Monday, October 6, 2014

September Updates for the Munro's
Hi All,
September came and went without us even realizing it was here.  Sterling was very busy with work and I kept occupied by working with the USO.  While we did not travel this month, we were still busy.
September 6th, the USO hosted a community thank you. We had more than 1800 visitors to our event, who enjoyed live music, hot dogs, bratwurst, hamburgers, games and prizes. It was a beautiful day and was really fun to be at.
I was working in the Mobile Canteen all day and making hot dogs and popcorn. Very popular items for our events.
On September 19th, my friend Ann and I drove to Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic for a bit of R&R. The trip was fun and we were able to explore many of the splendid sites of this city as well as shop for crystal at wholesale prices.  We also did some research regarding USO tours to take back home with us. Nice weekend.
September 27th, was Volkfest in Stuttgart Germany.  We stayed at our first Hostel and found it interesting. Our room had two sets of bunk beds in it, a small wardrobe/locker, a bathroom and small table to sit at. All meals were eaten in a common area and the hotel had places to play pool and other games. More like a dorm than anything else but it was clean and cheap and that is what was important.
Volkfest is essentially the same as OctoberFest only on a smaller scale.  We went to the festival, found our table and ended up taking beer baths with the locals as we listened to music and toasted Germany on a grand scale.  This is the time of the year when the Germans really come out and boy can they drink!! Liters of beer flowing all over the place (literally).  Fun experience to say the least but we were glad when we got home. 

September was also birthday month for me, Kristen, Tim, Ewan, Gary, Mandy, Ron and Brandon. I wish all my fellow September birthday friends and family, the best now and for always.
Also, we wish to Congratulate Ben and Kristen on the purchase of their house. We know it will be great for you. Congratulations also go out to our son David, on getting and starting his new job.  Woo hoo!!
And that is all for now. October brings trips to Munich and Boleslawiec, Poland, as well as, our son David's visit to Germany.
We love you and miss you all.
Sterling and Deb