Tuesday, March 4, 2014

First Blog in March

Hi all,

Well, here we are in the beginning of March already. Alot has been going on. 

Last week, we signed the contract for our apartment, which will become our new home on March 12th. We also were able to get Sterling an International Drivers license so that he can drive in other countries.  We went exploring to some restaurants and pubs and I did some shopping on the side.

I was able to finally secure my German's Driver's License so I am able to drive now. I have not gained the confidence to drive in the city yet but I will soon enough.

This past weekend, we took a train to Rudeshiem (about 20 minutes away), to partake in their Fasching (or Carnival). While on the train, we were blessed with several German young men who where drinking (apparently it doesn't matter if you are on the train or not, drinking is allowed) and where serenading us with all kinds of songs. Laughing and swearing up a storm as well. Interesting to note that they spoke German until they started singing and then sang in English.

When we arrived, we walked around and found some shops. While most were closed for the celebration, there were a few that were open and I was able to drool at their items. I actually went to a shop with a new friend and was able to help her pick out a jacket to buy. It was fun and if I would have had more Euro's,. I probably would have been buying as well. Oh well, I know where the place is.

After our shopping excursion, we met up with the other members of our party and hit a couple of the pubs along the way. We then went to watch the parade and were treated with candy and treats thrown from the parade participates and alcohol flowing all over the place. Seems that the Fasching celebrations really mean drinking celebrations and all were having a good time, standing on the street and celebrating. Once the parade was over, the streets were lined with all kinds of broken bottles and trash. I was kind of sad to see that. However, I am sure that it did not take long for the parade organizers to clean up the mess and I know they expected it.

The parade was quite long and had many interesting  floats and characters. There were Smurfs, German traditionals Ghostbusters and all kinds of other themes. Not sure what some of them were and some were pretty weird but hey, it was all good.

After the parade, we headed back to the train station and waited for our turn to board. It was the most awful experience that I have been through in recent years. Reason why is the train station closes the doors to the platform when there is no train there. When the train is arriving, the doors open and every one literally pushes through the doors. We had a stroller with two small children with us and they were nearly knocked over as the nationals tried to make their way over us. Reminded me of the good ole concert days of the seventies and early eighties. Also reminded me of why I quit going to concerts. Not cool but all in all, it was good and everyone arrived safely back to Weisbaden.

Some of us then went and found food and we closed out our night by taking a taxi back to base.

The next day was the celebration here in Weisbaden. We decided to opt out of that one because we were recovering from the one in Rudesheim. I am to old for two days of festivals in a row. So we hung around here and did grocery shopping.

Sterling got up early on Monday to make a flight to Boston. He is in a conference there all week and I am sure that he is having a great time. I am doing my thing here and just hanging out this week. Next week, we will finalize our paperwork for our apartment and move. We are suppose to be going to Amsterdam with the USO the weekend of the 15th but I am not sure if that is going on yet.  We will have to see if there is enough sign up or not.

That is it for now from Germany.  Love to all and I will write again soon.

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