Monday, April 14, 2014

April Update

Hi All,
Since my last update, we have moved from the Army Lodging Hotel (our temporary quarters) into our permanent housing situation. We were very fortunate to find a nice place like this in such a short time.
When we first moved here, we had an air mattress and sleeping bags to sleep on, camp chairs to sit on, a folding table for our dining room and almost no kitchen utensils.
Our Household goods that we shipped from the States, have since come in and we have the place pretty much set up now. We have ordered a couch, which will arrive sometime next month and need to acquire some wardrobes and lamps. Other than that, we are very comfortable. Hopefully, you can see the pictures attached to get an idea.

Our place is just a scant 10 minute walk on the North side of town. We also live on a bus line, which makes it very convenient for me when I have to travel further out. So yay!! We are settled and happy in our new surroundings and looking forward to changing some of the things we now own to something a bit more European and stylish.

Our deck is big and will be fun to have available this Summer. They are currently working on a remodeling project that will take a couple of weeks to complete. Once that is finished, we will be able to put together the BBQ that we bought and begin the grilling season in style. We are looking forward to many enjoyable times out there. I plan on adding a few potted flowers as well to brighten things up.

Sterling's Office

View From Our Deck
My Office and Spare Bedroom

Entry Way

Our Bedroom


Living Room

Sterling continues to be content and happy in his new work environment. He has not travelled much yet but, I am sure that is coming in the not to distant future. He is just happy to be experiencing the German culture and of the opportunities that coming.

I have been pretty occupied with the USO. My last tour trip was to Amsterdam last month and I was suppose to be heading to Luxembourg this past weekend, but the tour did not get enough sign ups so I was not able to go. Oh well, there will be more tours in the future and for now, I am assisting in the office of the local USO. I do all kinds of office type work to get ready for the upcoming tours and classes and get involved with some of the other USO Community supported functions. Since arriving in Germany, I have logged about 50 hours of volunteer time and will be logging alot more before we leave. It works well in that I can volunteer when I want to and it gives me connection with other people in the community.

Sterling and I have also spent time exploring the city and other nearby cities. We usually walk in to town so that we can experience the food and drink without driving, as the drinking and driving laws are very strict here. Blood Alcohol levels are much lower than in the States and the local police do not give chances. We just don't do it.  We can also hire a taxi or take the bus if we feel the need but most of the time, we walk.  We look forward to much more exploring of the area and all of Europe. We have plans to go to France, England, Austria and Scotland and I am sure, we will find other places to explore as well.

This past weekend, we were able to log our first round of golf at the local course here. It was fun to be able to play with our own clubs and equipment. We ended up getting paired with a German couple, who were really alot of fun to play with. Not only that, the course and day were beautiful and we intend on going back next weekend for round two. We are also scheduled for lessons with one of the local pros coming up in May.

And in a couple of weeks, I will start German lessons and I am so excited. I really want to be able to not feel stupid when we are out talking with the locals. Also, since we live in the community and our neighbors are all German, it would be nice to understand what they are trying to tell me. YIPPEE!

We are proud to announce that our granddaughter Rylyn's Cheerleading team won the National Cheerleading finals this past weekend, that were held in Chicago. It is amazing what these 9 and 10 year old girls can do. We were able to watch a video of their routine and I had goosebumps when I saw the girls, including Rylyn, doing back walkovers, round offs, cartwheels and many other "professional" type cheerleading moves. They were awesome and I wish we could have been there.

 This her team photo. She is on the far end in the second row.

Here she is by herself. She is awesome.


While her sister was getting all of the glory, Luke just got plummed tuckered out. Poor little man.

And then of course, here is Ewan in all is cute babyness. He is growing so big so fast. I can hardly believe it. Funny, we Skype with Kristen and it seems that while Ewan can't figure out the picture part of things, he hears my voice and wonders where I am.

Ewan at Play and Learn Class. What a bright eyed little boy he is becoming.
Well, that is about it from Germany for now. As you can see, we stay busy and occupied.  We miss our friends and family back home and hope that you will consider coming to visit us very very soon.

Wir lieben dich sehr

Sterling and Deb.

P.S. If you cannot see the pictures, please let me know. I am trying to figure out what is going on with the computer system here. It is a bit challenging and a bit different.



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