Monday, July 7, 2014

Busy Month Of May for Us in Germany.

Time to catch you up on what we have been doing lately.

Sterling has been working very hard, leaving for the office about 6:30 am and returns between 5:30-6:00 at night.  He works long hours but continues to enjoy the people that he works with and Germany.

While he is at work, I stay busy wondering around the city and locating different places to hang out. I also take care of the house and the little things necessary such as finding out about things we need and resolving issues as they arise.  I also still volunteer with the USO and spend about 10 hours a week, working in the office or researching different places we might like to explore.  This time is in addition to the time I spend on the different tours.

The weekends are time to play and we have fun exploring the area and other parts of Europe. This month has been particularily busy as you will see:

Rhein River Cruise on Mother's Day with the USO, May 11th:

Sterling I were aboard a river boat that took us up and down the Rhein. While we had previously travelled this stretch of river by car, it was fun to see it from the water. I did not work this cruise so we both were able to relax, enjoy the scenary and the visit with the other members of the cruise.

Pretty View from the Boat

Along with the cruise, we stopped to look at a Castle called Rheinstein. It is on the side of a mountain and you can see it from the river. Hard to walk up to becuase it sits very high and there are alot of switchbacks to get there. Sterling was brave and went up. I watched him go and took pictures from below.

We also stopped and were able to shop, eat and drink in Rudesheim. Rudesheim is very quant, old and small. Lots of shops but mostly pubs and eateries. We had been there before and really like the atmosphere.  We found our favorite place to have a beer and waited out the storm that had decended upon us. When it lifted, we found a couple of places that were selling some very pretty things. Loved walking around and seeing what shops were open and what they had to offer.  Fun trip and we enjoyed it alot. Will do the cruise again but probably as a wine tour next time.

Euro Disneyland in Paris, France, May 17th with the USO:
Our next adventure was to the "Magic Kingdom" in France. I was working this tour so it was fun to have Sterling along to see what it was all about.  We left Weisbaden by bus at 1:00 am and after driver's stops and eating, landed at the park about 8:00 am. By the time the park opened at 10:00, we were all ready to go and have a great time.  And that we did!!!!
Disneyland Paris consists of a Movie Park and a Theme Park.  Sterling, Marshall (The Tour Guide) and I (The Tour Escort) went to the Movie Park first and visited some of the attractions. It was fun to see how they create some of the stunts they use, like a pit of fire. 

Prop of a fire pit. You could feel the heat from it.

 The guys ventured on to a ride that took them very high in the air and dropped them down a few times. I waited from the ground as this ride would have surely not been good for me. (I know I am  lightweight).

Sterling and I at the front of the entrance to the Theme Park! So Beautiful.

When we finished at the movie park, we made our way to the Theme Park and I was amazed at how beautiful the entry way was. Just like you see on the commercials. We went to a couple of the attractions here like the haunted castle and made our way around the park by train.
By this time, it was getting late in the afternoon, so we found a place that served beer and I plopped for the rest of the day. (Escorting a tour with no sleep and in the heat, had taken it's toll on me).  While the guys continued to wander, I watched the people that were coming by and found a sovenier stand not far. I was also intrigued by the Steamboat the was circling the River in front of me.

We had a great time visiting Euro Disney and will probably go again. Next time, we are planning on spending more than just a day. There is way to much to see in that short of time. But for now, we can cross that off our "Bucket List".

Me and My Sovenier

Pottery Shopping in Boleslawiec Poland (on our own)
Memorial Day Weekend May 23-26
Pottery Shopping in Poland is AMAZING!!!! 
I had heard that pottery shopping in Europe was the best and that has been so true so far!!!!  I acquired some amazing pieces on my trip to Italy last month and Sterling and I had a great time Memorial Day Weekend.
Our trip started with our long 5 1/2 drive to Boleslawiec Poland, about 635 Kilometers away in the Southern portion of Poland. The trip itself was very interesting as it was raining most of the way there.  In one spot, we almost had to pull of to the side of the Autobahn as it was raining so hard we could hardly see.  But, we made it and checked in to our very interesting and quaint motel, called the Hotel Garden. 
The Hotel Garden is situated not far from the main part of Boleslawiec.  We think it used to be a chinese place because it has alot of decor that depicts this era.  Not so new but the rooms were adequate and the food was really good. Not bad for an overnight trip.
We came away with lots of cool pieces to display and use.  We are planning a trip to the Ceramics Festival in August. This will be fun because the vendors that we visited in May, will be there all in one place.  We will have more time to shop as we will not be driving all over.  Should be a great trip and we will blog about it when we return.
So, that brings you up to date through the end of May. Next Blog will be June and the first part of July!!


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