Monday, July 7, 2014

June Updates for Sterling and Debbie

June Updates from Germany and Beyond
Wow! Hard to believe that June has come and gone already. I started off the month by assisting the USO with our "Mobile Canteen". We set up and served Hot Dogs, Popcorn and pop to the high school seniors who were practicing for their graduation day.  Reminded me of the days with North King County Little League when I would run the "Roach Coach" for games and events. Fun time!! 
Two days later, was our wedding anniversary. We spent the day with good friends, exploring castles,  and treated ourselves to a fancy dinner on the town. Nice and relaxing time. 
 On June 7th, we headed with the USO for a trip to Champagne and Reims France.  Our guide was a person who taught Military History at Westpoint and is now here in Germany to teach and explore Europe. The USO is very lucky to have this man as a Volunteer guide and I was very fortunate to help him with this trip.  So off we go!
Champagne and Reims France is known for its excellence in the creation of fine wines and champagne and also for its military history, featuring World War I and II. Reims is situated near the Marne River in the Champagne-Ardenne region and has witnessed many french kings, invading armies and even Joan of Arc.
1914 was the start of wars between the French and Germans in this region with the Americans adding to it in 1918. The Germans recaptured Reims in 1940 and were there until General Patton and his men, drove them out in 1944.
We visited the "Museum of the Surrender" (Musee de la Reddition) which was the headquarters for General Eisenhower's "Allied Expeditionary Force" in 1945 and saw the actual room where surrender documents were signed by the German forces on May 7, 1945.
Plaque Above the Surrender Room
Outside of the Museum of Surrender

After the Museum, we drove a little bit away and found an astonishing site in the Our Lady Of Reims Cathedral. History boost that this is the coronation site of 29 French kings and is magnificant in its grandure and architecture. There is a peaceful and surreal feeling when you enter and you marvel at all the alters and the height of the the ceilings. The Stained Glass throughout is wonderful and there is truly a feeling of peace within the cathedral. Candles are avialable for you to light at any or all the alters that you wish.  I loved this cathedral and hope that we can go back to visit again.

Outside of the Cathedral
Inside Ceiling of the Cathedral

One of the many alters in the Cathedral
Front Door View from the inside of the
Cathedral. Check out the Stained Glass.

Next, we ventured to the Pommery Champagne establishment were we went on a guided tour of the dungeon. This is were the champagne is stored and it is a very dark, cold and long way through the bottom of the building. We also saw sculptures and decorations on the walls that were done when the establishment was first opened.  We finished our tour here with some tastings of the very good, very expensive champagne they make and were allowed to buy what we needed.

Champagne Cave and sculpture on the wall
How the bottles are stored.

The tour finished up on the way back to Germany by visiting a couple of the sites that  military fighting actually took place.  You can still see where some of the bunkers were trenched and get the feeling that you were laying in one. Eery. There is also a cemetary not far that commemorates the lives lost during the battles fought.  All in all the trip was great and we had a wonderful time, learning and exploring this part of history.
On June 12, I started my journey back to the States to attend our son, David's Gradution from Central Washington University. I took the bus from our apartment, down to the train station, which took me directly into the Frankfurt Airport. Nice and smooth transition and guess what, no traffic or parking issues to deal with. Got To Love it. I boarded the first leg of my flight on Emerites Airline and landed in Dubai about 6 hours later. Then, I got on the next plane for my final ride into Seattle. The flight was long but Emerites Airline is the best for these kinds of flights. They were very nice and the aircraft was designed for long ventures. I had a glass of Champagne in my hand while the rest of the passengers were loading and a blanket a few minutes later with dinner and more wine. Woo hooo.  I was met at Seatac by Kristen and Ewan on Friday afternoon when I landed. We then drove to North near home and we attended my Nephew, Rowdy's graduation party. Afterwards, we drove to Ellensburg to spend the night and attend David's gradutaion the next morning.

Ewan Getting Ready to Watch His
Uncle David Graduate
David in Line Walking to Graduation

Proud Graduate!!!!

Proud Graduate and His Proud Mama!
Sterling was celebrating with a bier at the
Wiesbaden Festival!!!
After David graduated, we went to lunch to celebrate with the family. Nice time for all. Next day, we were on the road again from Ellensburg to Bellevue, where there was a graduation party for both David and niece Catherine. It was alot of fun!! Thank you Libby and Family for hosting and for thinking of David. That was really nice of you!

Aunt Mary and Aunt Margaret with David.

David and Catherine opening their Graduation
Gifts as their joint party!!! Woo Hoo!!!
I spent the rest of the time in Seattle, visiting friends and family, babysitting Ewan and shopping with the kids. Was a lot of fun but now, it is time to get back in to Germany mode. 
Stay tuned for my next blog, which will feature the month of July!!

Much Love to you all.
Sterling and Deb


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